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Orangestar Martini


Pornstar Martini with a twist. Namely, always the same thing is boring. That's why we came up with the Orangestar Martini for you - a fruity cocktail based on oranges.


  • 40 ml vodka

  • 40 ml Koreman's orangecello

  • 20 ml lime juice

  • 15 ml cane sugar syrup

  • 20ml egg white

Did you also notice that 'Martini' is not used at all? That's because Martini refers to the glass and not the alcoholic drink!


  • Get a shaker and put ice in it.

  • Add the vodka, orangecello, lime juice, syrup and egg white.

  • Start shaking vigorously until the protein in the shaker forms a white layer.

  • Pour the Orangecello Martini into a martini glass. Keep the ice cream in the shaker.

  • Cut a slice of an orange and place it in the martini glass.

Enjoy your Orangestar Martini <3



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